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- Terceirização, quarteirização, primarização, logística 1
- terceirização; folha de pagamento; responsabilidade social corporativa. 1
- Terceiro Setor 1
- Terceiro Setor. Evidenciação Contábil. Normas Brasileiras de Contabilidade. 2
- Terceiro Setor; Análise de Mercado; Canais de Marketing 1
- Terceiro Setor; Evidenciação Contábil 1
- Terceiro setor; Imunidade; Receita não operacional. 1
- Tercer sector. Divulgación o transparencia contable. Normas brasileñas de contabilidad. 1
- Tercer Sector. Revelación Contable. Normas Brasileñas de Contabilidad 1
- Termo Cooperação 1
- Teste no valor recuperável ; CPC-01; Auditor independente; Test value of recoverable ;Impairment test; Independent auditor 2
- Teste de reflexão cognitiva; Aspectos intuitivos; Práticas orçamentárias. 1
- The Labor market. Expectations of graduates. Skills and competences. Accounting sciences. Accounting. 1
- The present work sought to analyze the level of compliance of the Brazilian companies in the telecommunications sector listed in B3 to accounting pronouncement CPC 47. 1
- The research analyzes the teaching of accounting sciences in view of the convergence with international accounting standards, from the perspective of scientific production. 1
- The study aims to analyze the skills of expert accounting analysts in the Brazilian Federal Public Ministry. 1
- Theoretical basis; Hypothesis; Construct; Research in Accounting. 1
- Theory of attribution; Academic performance; Education 1