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- Value at Risk; Volatilidade; GARCH; ARLS. 1
- Value at Risk; Volatility; GARCH; ARLS. 1
- Value Based Management; Nonprofit Sector 1
- value co-creation; customer co-creation; online shopping; e-commerce; customer empowerment 1
- value investing, investments, stocks, investment philosophies, Brazilian market. 1
- value of cash 1
- Value of companies; Cost of Capital; Competitiveness of Nations 1
- value relevance; bancos; valor de mercado; ativos fiscais diferidos (AFDs) 1
- value relevance; banks; market value; deferred tax assets (DTAs) 1
- Value relevance; DOAR; DFC; Lei 11.638/07; Convergência das normas contábeis 1
- Value relevance; Investment property; Capital markets 1
- Value relevance; Propriedade para investimento; Mercado de capitais 1
- Value relevance; SSAF; CFS; Law 11.638/07; Accounting standards convergence 1
- Value Stocks; Growth Stocks; Market Efficiency; Emerging Markets; Brazilian Stocks; BM & FBovespa 1
- Value Stocks;Growth Stocks;Price-to-book ratio 1
- Value; Alternative Valuation and Measurement Concepts 1
- VaR; modelos paramétricos; modelos semiparamétricos; modelos não paramétricos; backtesting 1
- VaR; parametric models; semiparametric models; non-parametric models; backtesting 1
- Varejo; Sistema de Informações; Cadeia Produtiva 1
- Variable remuneration, Incentive plans; Stock options; Disclosure; Remuneração variável; Planos de incentivos; Opções de ações 2