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The discipline of controlling and its inclusion in the accounting science courses
metadata.atena.dc.creator: Rogério João Lunkes
Ernesto Fernando Rodrigues Vicente
Valkyrie Vieira Fabre
Claudio Marcio de Souza
Altamir Osni Teixeira
José Carlos Terres Junior
metadata.atena.dc.subject: Controlling; Higher Education; Accounting Science; Controladoria; Ensino Superior; Ciências Contábeis 2014-11-12
metadata.atena.dc.description: RESUMO Este artigo tem como objetivo principal identificar na região sul do Brasil se as IES atendem a diretriz curricular nacional CNE/CES 10/04 - MEC, para os cursos de ciências contábeis (bacharelado) no que diz respeito à inclusão da disciplina de controladoria em seu projeto pedagógico. O presente estudo se caracterizou numa pesquisa exploratória quantitativa, cujos dados foram coletados mediante acesso no banco de dados no site do INEP e individualmente no site de todas as IES pesquisadas. Através das analises, pode-se verificar que dos 1.082 cursos de Ciências Contábeis existentes no Brasil, 219 estão concentrados na região Sul. Das IES do sul, 195 delas disponibilizam no site a grade curricular do curso de Ciências Contábeis, mediante isso foi possível constatar que 156 IES atendem a resolução. Já com relação à publicação das ementas da disciplina de controladoria das 156 IES que possuem essa disciplina apenas 32 publicam a ementa. De um modo geral pode-se afirmar que a grande maioria das IES do sul do Brasil está cumprindo a resolução do MEC, com destaque para Santa Catarina, sendo o estado mais regular entre os pesquisados, com 100% de disponibilização de grades curriculares, também é o que menos descumpre a resolução do MEC e o que mais publica as ementas através dos sites. Palavras-chave: Controladoria, ensino superior, ciências contábeis. THE DISCIPLINE OF CONTROLLING AND ITS INCLUSION IN THE ACCOUNTING SCIENCE COURSES ABSTRACT The main purpose of this article is to identify whether or not, in the southern region of Brazil, the IES conform to the National Curricular Directives CNE/CES 10/04- MEC (Ministry of Education), for the bachelor courses in acounting sciences, regarding the inclusion of the discipline of controlling in its pedagogic project. This study was characterized by an exploratory quantitative research, the data having been collected through access to a databank on the INEP website and on the individual websites of all the researched IES. Through this analysis, it has been verified that out of the 1.082 courses in accounting science existing in Brazil, 219 are concentrated in the southern region. Out of all the southern IES, 195 publish the Curriculum Framework (“grade curricular”) of the course in accounting scienes on the website. Through this it was possible to verify that 156 IES conform to the resolution. As to the publication of the subject summaries (“ementas”) of the discipline of controlling, out of the 156 IES that offer this discipline, only 32 publish the subject summary. In general, in can be said that the large majority of the IES in the south of Brazil comply with the resolution of the MEC (Ministry of Education), highlighting Santa Catarina as being the federal state that most complies amongst the researched federal states, with 100% of publication of Curriculum Frameworks, it’s also the one who least deviates from the resolution of the MEC (Ministry of Education), and the one who most publishes the subject summaries through websites. Keywords: Controlling, higher education, accounting science
The main purpose of this article is to identify whether or not, in the southern region of Brazil, the IES conform to the National Curricular Directives CNE/CES 10/04- MEC (Ministry of Education), for the bachelor courses in acounting sciences, regarding the inclusion of the discipline of controlling in its pedagogic project. This study was characterized by an exploratory quantitative research, the data having been collected through access to a databank on the INEP website and on the individual websites of all the researched IES. Through this analysis, it has been verified that out of the 1.082 courses in accounting science existing in Brazil, 219 are concentrated in the southern region. Out of all the southern IES, 195 publish the Curriculum Framework (“grade curricular”) of the course in accounting scienes on the website. Through this it was possible to verify that 156 IES conform to the resolution. As to the publication of the subject summaries (“ementas”) of the discipline of controlling, out of the 156 IES that offer this discipline, only 32 publish the subject summary. In general, in can be said that the large majority of the IES in the south of Brazil comply with the resolution of the MEC (Ministry of Education), highlightingSanta Catarina as being the federal state that most complies amongst the researched federal states, with 100% of publication of Curriculum Frameworks, it’s also the one who least deviates from the resolution of the MEC (Ministry of Education), and the one who most publishes the subject summaries through websites. Keywords: Controlling, higher education, accounting sciences.
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