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dc.creatorRodolfo Castro Souza Filho-
dc.creatorNatan Szuster-
dc.descriptionBrazilian tax legislation eliminated monetary restatement from accounting statements as from fiscal year 1996. Since these modifications in Brazilian legislation, countless articles have been published commenting on the increase in the tax burden on profits in view of the undervaluation of expenses with depreciation and amortization, and the failure to acknowledge the expenses ensuing from monetary restatement of net worth accounts. This line of research introduces new categories of analysis on the topic not included in articles published to date. These new categories deal with interest on corporate capital and the profitability of the financial sector chosen for analysis. Simulations conducted showed that the incidence of interest on corporate capital as a way of compensating – from a taxation standpoint – for the extinction of monetary restatement enabled sectorswith higher profitability to achieve a proportional reduction in the tax burden in relation to lower profitability sectors. In this context, it was seen that the sector of banks we exclude income tax deducted at source it can be seen that deducting interest on corporate capital more than compensated for the extinction of monetary restatement. In this case, noincrease in tax burden related to direct taxation was detected in this sector analyzed, in comparison to the prevailing system in 1995. From the research conducted it is relevant to note that the institution of deducting interest on corporate capital was a regressive step for corporate income tax(IRPJ) and the social contribution on net income (CSLL), since higher profitability sectors, notably banks, experienced a proportionately lower tax burden on their profits than lower profitability sectors. Keywords: Extinction of Monetary Restatement; banks sector; Net Equity Accounts; Interest on Corporate Capital; Income Tax; Social Contribution on Income; Undervaluation of Expenses with Depreciation and Amortization-
dc.descriptionO presente trabalho consiste em avaliar a carga tributária incidente sobre os impostos diretos (IRPJ e CSSL) no Setor de Bancos, com a extinção da correção monetária das demonstrações contábeis a partir do ano fiscal de 1996. Com as modificações ocorridas na Legislação, vários artigos publicados por ilustres estudiosos da matéria no Brasil argumentavam que, com a extinção da correção monetária, as empresas tiveram um aumento indevido sobre a carga tributária incidente sobre os impostos diretos, notadamente àquelas que têm, em sua estrutura, patrimônio líquido maior do que o Ativo permanente, posto que não podem deduzir as despesas de correção monetária do cálculo efetuado pelas regras de tributação vigentes até 31.12.95, além da subavaliação das despesas de depreciação e amortização. Nas simulações realizadas, levou-se em conta a rentabilidade média sobre o patrimônio líquido de quatro Instituições Financeiras e a dedução de juros sobre capital próprio, nos termos da Lei nº9.249/95, fazendo incidir sobre essas estruturas patrimoniais as regras tributárias vigentes a partir de 1996, cotejando-se os resultados obtidos com os cálculos, considerando a correção monetária de balanços e as regras tributáveis vigentes em 1995. Palavras-chave: Extinção da Correção Monetária; Setor de Bancos; Patrimônio Líquido; Juros sobre Capital Próprio; Imposto de Renda; contribuição Social sobre o Lucro Líquido, Subavaliação das Despesas de Depreciação e Amortização. ABSTRACT Brazilian tax legislation eliminated monetary restatement from accounting statements as from fiscal year 1996. Since these modifications in Brazilian legislation, countless articles have been published commenting on the increase in the tax burden on profits in view of the undervaluation of expenses with depreciation and amortization, and the failure to acknowledge the expenses ensuing from monetary restatement of net worth accounts. This line of research introduces new categories of analysis on the topic not included in articles published to date. These new categories deal with interest on corporate capital and the profitability of the financial sector chosen for analysis. Simulations conducted showed that the incidence of interest on corporate capital as a way of compensating – from a taxation standpoint – for the extinction of monetary restatement enabled sectors with higher profitability to achieve a proportional reduction in the tax burden in relation to lower profitability sectors. In this context, it was seen that the sector of banks we exclude income tax deducted at source it can be seen that deducting interest on corporate capital more than compensated for the extinction of monetary restatement. In this case, no increase in tax burden related to direct taxation was detected in this sector analyzed, in comparison to the prevailing system in 1995. From the research conducted it is relevant to note that the institution of deducting interest on corporate capital was a regressive step for corporate income tax (IRPJ) and the social contribution on net income (CSLL), since higher profitability sectors, notably banks, experienced a proportionately lower tax burden on their profits than lower profitability sectors. Keywords: Extinction of Monetary Restatement; banks sector; Net Equity Accounts; Interest on Corporate Capital; Income Tax; Social Contribution on Income; Undervaluation of Expenses with Depreciation and Amortization-
dc.rights<p>Os direitos patrimoniais dos artigos aceitos para publicação, inclusive de tradução, passam a ser de propriedade da Revista de Contabilidade do Mestrado em Ciências Contábeis da UERJ (online).</p><p>É permitida a citação parcial de artigos publicados, sem autorização prévia, desde que seja identificada a fonte. A reprodução total de artigos é proibida. Em caso de dúvidas, favor entrar em contato: (<span style="font-size: 9.0pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: "><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="mso-bidi-font-size: 11.0pt; line-height: 115%; color: #1155cc;"></span></a></span>).</p><p>As declarações dos artigos aprovados, devem ser originalmente assinadas e enviadas pelos Correios para o endereço de contato da revista.</p><p><!--[if !mso]> <mce:style><! v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} --> <!--[endif]--> <a href="">Declaração Direitos Autorais</a></p> <p><!--[if !mso]> <mce:style><! v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} --> <!--[endif]--> <a href="">Declaração de Originalidade</a></p> <a rel="license" href=""><img style="border-width:0" src="" alt="Licença Creative Commons" /></a><br />A <strong>Revista de Contabilidade do Mestrado em Ciências Contábeis da UERJ </strong>utiliza uma Licença <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons - Atribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivações 4.0 Internacional</a>.-
dc.subjectExtinction of Monetary Restatement; Banks Sector; Net Equity Accounts; Interest on Corporate Capital; Income Tax; Social Contribution on Income; Extinção da Correção Monetária; Setor de Bancos; Patrimônio Líquido; Juros sobre Capital Próprio-
dc.titleAnalysis of tax effects on the banking sector with the dissolution of inflation adjustments in Brazil in the period from 1996-2000-
Aparece nas coleções:Revista de Contabilidade do Mestrado em Ciências Contábeis da UERJ

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