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metadata.atena.dc.title: | O LAUDO PERICIAL CONTÁBIL E SUA ADEQUAÇÃO ÀS NORMAS DO CONSELHO FEDERAL DE CONTABILIDADE E À DOUTRINA: UM ESTUDO EXPLORATÓRIO The accounting expert’s report and its adaptation to the norms of the brazilian federal accounting board and to the doctrine: an exploratory study |
metadata.atena.dc.creator: | Terezinha Balestrin Cestare Ivam Ricardo Peleias Martinho Mauricio Gomes de Ornelas |
metadata.atena.dc.subject: | Forensic Accounting; Accounting Expert Report; Accounting; Rules; Perícia Contábil; Laudo Pericial Contábil; Contabilidade; Normas | | 2014-11-12 |
metadata.atena.dc.description: | Meio de prova para o Direito brasileiro, a perícia contábil materializa-se no laudo pericial. A feitura do laudo deve seguir um conjunto de regras emanadas da doutrina e das normas do Conselho Federal de Contabilidade – CFC, objetivando a padronização na elaboração e apresentação dos laudos periciais
contábeis. O trabalho procurou avaliar como os peritos contábeis, de uma esfera judiciária, elaboram seus laudos e, também, verificar se há diferenças expressivas entre a prática e as proposições da doutrina e do CFC. A pesquisa ocorreu entre abril e agosto de 2005, em laudos anexados a processos de Embargos à Execução Fiscal, na Justiça Federal de São Paulo. Foram examinados dez laudos em varas distintas, feitos
por diferentes peritos. Apesar de não se constatar divergências expressivas, observou-se omissões importantes quanto à lavratura de termos de diligências, e a supressão em todos os laudos, da indicação, abaixo da assinatura, da categoria profissional.
Palavras-chave: Perícia Contábil; Laudo Pericial Contábil; Contabilidade; Normas
The forensic accounting is among the proof sources to enable the Law through reports. The making of these reports must follow some rules based on a doctrine and policies of the Federal Accounting Board in Brazil – CFC, in order to set a standard in the production and disclosure of the forensic accounting reports. This paper aims to show how the forensic accountants prepare their reports and also to verify
whether the re are relevant differences in the practice, the law and the Board (CFC). The reports research was held between April and August of 2005, focused on judiciary execution processes at Federal Court in the city of São Paulo. Ten reports were evaluated in different courts by different forensic accountants. No significant divergences were found. However, important omissions concerning the transcription of diligence were found as well as the suppression of the indication of
professional category under the signature in all the expert reports.
Keywords: Forensic Accounting; Accounting Expert Report; Accounting; Rules. The forensic accounting is among the proof sources to enable the Law through reports. The making of these reports must follow some rules based on a doctrine and policies of the Federal Accounting Board in Brazil – CFC, in order to set a standard in the production and disclosure of the forensic accounting reports. This paper aims to show how the forensic accountants prepare their reports and also to verify whether there are relevant differences in the practice, the law and the Board (CFC). The reports research was held between April and August of 2005, focused on judiciary execution processes at Federal Court in the city of São Paulo. Ten reports were evaluated in different courts by different forensic accountants. No significant divergences were found. However, important omissions concerning the transcription of diligence were found as well as the suppression of the indication of professional category under the signature in all the expert reports. Keywords: Forensic Accounting; Accounting Expert Report; Accounting; Rules. |
metadata.atena.dc.identifier.uri: | |
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Aparece nas coleções: | Artigos - Atena |
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