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The importance of learning financial concepts in high schools in the city of Santa Maria (State Of Rio Grande Do Sul)
metadata.atena.dc.creator: Ronie Trevisan
Franciele Pivetta de Mello
Tania Moura da Silva
Paulo Sergio Ceretta
Monize Samara Visentini
metadata.atena.dc.subject: Finanças; Ensino Médio; Educação Financeira; Finance; High School; Finance Education 2014-11-12
metadata.atena.dc.description: Na era da informação, o papel exercido pela educação é mais importante do que em qualquer outro período da história. Diante disso, o presente estudo se propõe a verificar a importância da inserção de noções de finanças no currículo do ensino médio das escolas Santa Maria-RS. A pesquisa foi dividida em duas etapas. Na primeira, do tipo quantitativo, aplicaram-se questionários a 80 professores e 387 alunos de sete escolas do ensino médio do município com o propósito de identificar o interesse dos mesmos por uma disciplina de finanças, assim como verificar o grau de importância atribuído à aprendizagem de conteúdos relacionados a finanças. Na segunda do tipo qualitativa foram realizadas 10 entrevistas com especialistas, nas áreas de educação e finanças, buscando averiguar suas considerações a respeito do tema e da viabilidade de se inserir uma disciplina de finanças no currículo do ensino médio das escolas de Santa Maria-RS. Palavras-Chave: Finanças; Ensino Médio; Educação Financeira. ABSTRACT In the information age, the function exercised by the education is more important than at any other period of history. In that context, the present paper seeks to verify the importance of inserting finance notions in the syllabus of high public and private schools in Santa Maria – RS. The research was divided into two steps: the first of the quantitative type and the second of the qualitative type. In the quantitative part a questionnaire was applied to 80 teachers and 387 students of 7 high schools of the city with the purpose of identifying the interest of the same for a finance subject, as the degree of importance attributed to the learning of a series of contents related to finance, shown in the referred questionnaire. In the qualitative part, 10 interviews were made with specialists, in the fields of education and finance, with the finality of inquiring their opinion and consideration about the importance of learning finance notions in high school, and the feasibility of inserting a finance subject in the syllabus of high school of Santa Maria-RS. Key-words: Finance; High School; Finance Education.
In the information age, the function exercised by the education is more important than at any other period of history. In that context, the present paper seeks to verify the importance of inserting finance notions in the syllabus of high public and private schools in Santa Maria – RS. The research was divided into two steps: the first of the quantitative type and the second of the qualitative type. In the quantitative part a questionnaire was applied to 80 teachers and 387 students of 7 high schools of the city with the purpose of identifying the interest of the same for a finance subject, as the degree of importance attributed to the learning of a series of contents related to finance, shown in the referred questionnaire. In the qualitative part, 10 interviews were made with specialists, in the fields of education and finance, with the finality of inquiring their opinion and consideration about the importance of learning finance notions in high school, and the feasibility of inserting a finance subject in the syllabus of high school of Santa Maria-RS. Key-words: Finance; High School; Finance Education
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