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Impairment loss of assets: an analysis reflexes in the economic and financial indicators in the brasilian electric sector
metadata.atena.dc.creator: Maíra Melo de Souza; UFSC
José Alonso Borba; UFSC
Altair Borgert; UFSC 2014-11-12
metadata.atena.dc.description: RESUMOO presente artigo tem o objetivo de identificar os reflexos da perda no valor recuperável (impairment loss) na análise dos indicadores econômicos e financeiros nas empresas do setor elétrico brasileiro. Para isto,foram analisados os impactos da perda nos indicadores considerando duas situações: a) com o efeito da redução no valor recuperável no resultado; e; b) caso a perda jamais tivesse sido reconhecida no resultado.A idéia foi exatamente comparar os reflexos antes e depois do reconhecimento da perda, verificando os impactos nos seguintes indicadores: i) Liquidez; ii) Endividamento; e iii) Rentabilidade. Constituíram objeto de estudo nesta pesquisa as empresas pertencentes ao setor elétrico, listadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (BOVESPA), que reconheceram perda no valor recuperável de ativos no exercício social de 2008. Os resultados demonstraram que quanto maior a perda por impairment em relação ao resultado, maior o impacto imediato nos indicadores de rentabilidade. No que concerne à liquidez, perdas no valor recuperável em ativos imobilizados, no caso de empresas do setor elétrico que possuem um alto grau de imobilização, quando não reconhecidas no momento adequado poderão ocasionar reflexos desfavoráveisno caixa acarretando em problemas de liquidez.Palavras-chave: Indicadores de desempenho; Valor recuperável; Impairment loss.ABSTRACTThis article aims to identify the reflections of the loss recoverable amount (impairment loss) in the analysis of economic and financial indicators in the Brazilian electric sector companies. For this, we analyzed the effects of loss on indicators considering two scenarios: a) the effect of the reduction in recoverable value in the result, and b) if the loss had never been recognized in earnings. The idea was just to compare the reflexes before and after the recognition of the loss, noting the impacts on the following indicators: i)Liquidity; ii) Indebtedness; and; iii) Profitability. Constituted object of this research enterprises belonging to the electricity sector, listed on the Stock Exchange (BOVESPA), who recognized the loss recoverable value of assets in year 2008. The results showed that the greater the impairment loss in relation to income, the more immediate impact on the profitability indicators. As regards liquidity, losses in the amount recoverable in fixed assets in the case of electric sector companies that have a high degree of immobilization, when not recognized at the appropriate time may cause adverse consequences in the box resulting in liquidity problems.Keywords: Performance indicators; Recoverable amount; Impairment loss.
This article aims to identify the reflections of the loss recoverable amount (impairment loss) in the analysis of economic and financial indicators in the Brazilian electric sector companies. For this, we analyzed the effects of loss on indicators considering two scenarios: a) the effect of the reduction in recoverable value in the result, and b) if the loss had never been recognized in earnings. The idea was just to compare the reflexes before and after the recognition of the loss, noting the impacts on the following indicators: i) Liquidity; ii) Indebtedness; and; iii) Profitability. Constituted object of this research enterprises belonging to the electricity sector, listed on the Stock Exchange (BOVESPA), who recognized the loss recoverablevalue of assets in year 2008. The results showed that the greater the impairment loss in relation to income, the more immediate impact on the profitability indicators. As regards liquidity, losses in the amount recoverable in fixed assets in the case of electric sector companies that have a high degree of immobilization, when not recognized at the appropriate time may cause adverse consequences in the box resulting in liquidity problems. Keywords: Performance indicators; Recoverable amount; Impairment loss.
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