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Profit sharing: perspectives of the state of the art
metadata.atena.dc.creator: Claudio Marcelo Edwards Barros; Universidade Federal do Paraná
Jocelino Donizetti Teodoro; Universidade Federal do Paraná
Márcia Maria dos Santos Bortolocci Espejo; Universidade Federal do Paraná 2014-11-12
metadata.atena.dc.description: Este estudo visa desenvolver uma análise das tendências temáticas e metodológicas e oportunidades de pesquisa sobre a Participação nos Lucros ou Resultados (PLR) em periódicos nacionais e internacionais, veiculados entre 1999 e 2009. É um estudo que utiliza técnicas de cienciometria e queconstatou 61 artigos sobre o tema, sendo 11 de origem nacional e 50 de origem internacional divididos em 37 periódicos. Identificou-se predominância da abordagem contingencial e econômica como enfoque metodológico de teoria de base em periódicos nacionais e internacionais, respectivamente. Observou-se que mais de 50% dos estudos sobre PLR foram desenvolvidos por menos de 20% dosautores, constituindo referências sobre o tema que podem respaldar estudos futuros. Os resultados indicam carência de estudos empíricos nacionais e demonstram intensa investigação empírica em publicações internacionais, representando oportunidades de pesquisa sobre o tema no Brasil.Palavras-chave: Abordagens; Temáticas; Participação nos lucros.ABSTRACTThis paper aims to develop an analysis of the methodological and thematic trends and opportunities for research in studies that discuss Profit Sharing Programs (PSP) in national and international journals broadcast between 1999 and 2009. This study is supplied by scienciometric techniques which have identified 61 papers composed by 11 national and 50 international publications divided in 37 journals.The predominant approaches are contingency and economics as methodological theory basis in national and international journals, respectively. It was observed that more than 50% of the studies discussing PSP were developed by fewer than 20% of the authors, indicating references about the subject which can support future studies. The results indicate lack of national empirical studies and demonstrate intensiveinternational empirical investigation, representing opportunities for research in Brazil.Keywords: Approaches; Thematic; Profit sharing.
This paper aims to develop an analysis of the methodological and thematic trends and opportunities for research in studies that discuss Profit Sharing Programs (PSP) in national and international journals broadcast between 1999 and 2009. This study is supplied by scienciometric techniques which have identified 61 papers composed by 11 national and 50 international publications divided in 37 journals. The predominant approaches are contingency and economics as methodological theory basis in national and international journals, respectively. It was observed that more than 50% of the studies discussing PSP were developed by fewer than 20% of the authors, indicating references about the subject which can support future studies. The results indicate lack of national empirical studies and demonstrate intensive international empirical investigation, representing opportunities for research in Brazil. Keywords: Approaches; Thematic; Profit sharing.
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