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Social balance reports in brazil: a critical analysis of corporate practices
Palavras-chave: Balanço Social; Transparência, Marketing;Social Report, Transparency, Marketing
Descrição: O balanço social é uma ferramenta para prestação de informações sócio-ambientais relacionadas à interação entre uma organização e seu ambiente externo. Neste âmbito devem ser observados todos os aspectos, sejam eles positivos ou negativos. Todavia, pesquisadores vêm detectando dificuldades para analisá-los em função da falta de padronização, periodicidade e principalmente abrangência dos documentos. Fatos positivos tendem a serem destacados como instrumento de marketing enquanto danos causados são minimizados ou omitidos. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a qualidade dos balanços sociais das organizações da amostra, através de quatro parâmetros: abrangência, viés para potencialização dos resultados, comparabilidade e transparência. O desfecho identificado nesta pesquisa corrobora os diagnósticos anteriormente observados em outros trabalhos e reforça a urgência por mudanças para que sirvam de mensuração de responsabilidade social. Palavras-chave: Balanço social, Transparência, Marketing. SOCIAL BALANCE REPORTS IN BRAZIL: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF CORPORATE PRACTICES ABSTRACT The social report is a tool for disclosure social and environmental information about the interaction between an organization and its external environment. In this scope all aspects must be observed, even they are positive or negative. However, researchers are perceiving how hard is to analyze social report because they are not standardized, are lack of time and completeness. Positive facts tend to be emphasized as a marketing tool, while actual damages are minimized or omitted. In this context, the present paper studied 22 companies which elaborated social reports to verify completeness, potential of the results, comparison and transparency. The inference of this research corroborates previously results observed in other papers and strengthens the urgency for changes on social report to turn them a real instrument of measurement the social responsibility of the companies. Keywords: Social Report, Transparency, Marketing.
The social report is a tool for disclosure social and environmental information about the interaction between an organization and its external environment. In this scope all aspects must be observed, eventhey are positive or negative. However, researchers are perceiving how hard is to analyze social report because they are not standardized, are lack of time and completeness. Positive facts tend to be emphasized as a marketing tool, while actual damages are minimized or omitted. In this context, the present paperstudied 22 companies which elaborated social reports to verify completeness, potential of the results,comparison and transparency. The inference of this research corroborates previously results observed in other papers and strengthens the urgency for changes on social report to turn them a real instrument of measurement the social responsibility of the companies. Keywords: Social Report, Transparency, Marketing.
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Aparece nas coleções:Revista de Contabilidade do Mestrado em Ciências Contábeis da UERJ

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