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Disclosure of derivatives instruments in notes to the financial statements of companies from segments of paper and cellulose and meat products
Palavras-chave: Notas explicativas; Derivativos; Índice de disclosure
Descrição: O estudo objetivou averiguar o nível de evidenciação dos instrumentos derivativos nas notas explicativas das empresas dos segmentos de papel e celulose e de carnes e derivados. A escolha desses segmentos foi devido aos prejuízos com derivativos apresentados recentemente por duas empresas dessas áreas de atuação. Pesquisa descritiva, de natureza quantitativa foi realizada por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo nas notas explicativas do período de 2006 a 2008. A amostra constituiu-se de nove empresas de capital aberto que tiveram operações com derivativos, sendo cinco do segmento de carnes e derivados e quatro de papel e celulose. Para a análise quantitativa do índice de disclosure, o instrumento de coleta de dados foi fundamentado no estudo de Malaquias (2008), o qual está de acordo com as normas internacionais de contabilidade. A pesquisa justifica-se pelo fato do Brasil estar em processo de convergência para se adequar às normas internacionais de contabilidade, sendo interessante averiguar o nível de disclosure das informações prestadas pelas companhias. Os resultados mostraram que a evidenciação dos instrumentos derivativos não atende de maneira completa as informações previstas na IAS 32 e da IAS 39. De 45 itens pesquisados, verificou-se que a média de divulgação das empresas em 2006 e 2007 foi de cinco itens evidenciados, passando para 17 em 2008, mostrando que as empresas somente aumentam o número de divulgações a partir de imposição de órgãos reguladores. Observou-se que apenas uma empresa possui média nos três períodos analisados acima de 30%, o que possibilita inferir que a maioria das informações não é divulgada aos seus stakeholders. Concluiu-se que as informações evidenciadas nas notas explicativas das empresas pesquisadas a respeito dos instrumentos financeiros derivativos não respeitam o princípio do full disclosure (divulgação plena). Palavras-chave: Notas explicativas; Derivativos; Índice de disclosure. Abstract The study aimed to investigate the level of derivatives disclosure in the financial statements notes of companies from paper and cellulose segment and meat products segment. The choice of these segments was due to losses on derivatives, presented recently by two companies of these areas.This research is descriptive, with quantitative approach, by the technique of content analysis from financial statements notes of period 2006 to 2008. The sample consisted of nine publicly traded companies that had derivatives transactions, five of meat products segment  and four of paper and cellulose. For quantitative analysis of disclosure index, the instrument of data collection was based on the study of Malaquias (2008), which is in accordance with international accounting standards. The research is justified by the fact that Brazil is in the process of convergence to international accounting standards, it is interesting to investigate the level of disclosure of information provided by companies. The results show that the disclosure of derivatives instruments does not meet in a complete way the information set out in IAS 32 and IAS 39. From 45 items surveyed, it was found that the average disclosure of companies in 2006 and 2007 was five items evidenced, increased to 17 in 2008, showing that firms only increase the disclosure number by regulatory institutions imposition. It was observed that only a company has average in the three time periods analyzed above 30%, which allows to infer that most of the information is not disclosed to its stakeholders. The conclusion is that the disclosed information in the financial statements notes about derivatives in the investigated companies do not respect the full disclosure principle. Keywords: Financial statements notes; Derivatives; Disclosure index  
The study aimed to investigate the level of derivatives disclosure in the financial statements notes of companies from paper and cellulose segment and meat products segment. The choice of these segments was due to losses on derivatives, presented recently by two companies of these areas.This research is descriptive, with quantitative approach, by the technique of content analysis from financial statements notes of period 2006 to 2008. The sample consisted of nine publicly traded companies that had derivatives transactions, five of meat products segment  and four of paper and cellulose. For quantitative analysis of disclosure index, the instrument of data collection was based on the study of Malaquias (2008), which is in accordance with international accounting standards. The research is justified by the fact that Brazil is in the process of convergence to international accounting standards, it is interesting to investigate the level of disclosure of information provided by companies. The results show that the disclosure of derivatives instruments does not meet in a complete way the information set out in IAS 32 and IAS 39. From 45 items surveyed, it was found that the average disclosure of companies in 2006 and 2007 was five items evidenced, increased to 17 in 2008, showing that firms only increase the disclosure number by regulatory institutions imposition. It was observed that only a company has average in the three time periods analyzed above 30%, which allows to infer that most of the information is not disclosed to its stakeholders. The conclusion is that the disclosed information in the financial statements notes about derivatives in the investigated companies do not respect the full disclosure principle.   Keywords: Financial statements notes; Derivatives; Disclosure index.
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Aparece nas coleções:Revista de Contabilidade do Mestrado em Ciências Contábeis da UERJ

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